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Random musings


Pudding Politics

As the festive season’s ultimate celebration looms large in the form of the mighty Christmas dinner we would like to provide a few paragraphs to honour the Christmas…

Mark Crocker December 17, 2024

Take an Aspirin

Ever felt that there is so much going on that your head is about to explode? Well believe it or not, Exploding Head Syndrome is a real condition! The physician Silas…

Mark Crocker January 17, 2022

A Year in Review

As we march headlong into the new year we have probably had, or are about to have, the dreaded annual performance review. The truth be told that here at Optimize…

Optimize Blog January 10, 2019

What’s in a Label?

As regular readers know, we have issues with the labels that people give others – labels make it too easy to put someone or a group of people in a box. It is also…

Optimize Blog July 31, 2018

Last Minute Larceny

Leaving things to the last minute is a recipe for disaster and on the way causes stress, anxiety and a series of corners that have been cut. Quality suffers and…

Optimize Blog November 13, 2017

Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink

One of the founding fathers of “nudge” theory has been awarded the 2017 Nobel prize for economics. Richard Thaler co-wrote a bestselling book on the nudge concept…

Optimize Blog October 16, 2017

It's a Slow Fade

When dealing with a lack of engagement amongst the workforce the key is to recognize the early warning signs. Often it really is a slow fade – rarely do people…

Optimize Blog June 19, 2017

Having to Pay the Piper

A topic that consistently seems to be discussed is that of executive pay particularly when there are still recessionary pressures and the government bail outs are…

Optimize Blog June 12, 2017

Do the Do

McKinsey research tells us that 70% of change efforts fall short of the desired results and it is far too easy to blame this on a lack of effective communication.  Some…

Optimize Blog January 9, 2017

The Future is Bright

In last week’s blog we bemoaned the lack of wisdom in the world but at Optimize we believe in the credo that we shouldn’t criticize anything unless we are prepared…

Optimize Blog December 12, 2016

Busy Fools?

We are always told that the world is a much busier place these days and we certainly encounter people every day that tell us that they are “really, really busy”.…

Optimize Blog November 28, 2016

You Can Do It….Probably

Motivational posters abound. They shout at us from office walls, from Facebook, from Instagram, at the gym….they seem to be everywhere. Some are funny, some stir…

Optimize Blog November 21, 2016

Learning To Smile As You Kill

Politics in business is an inevitability and so to solemnly declare that you are not going to play the game is rather naive. Simply put, others are playing the game…

Optimize Blog October 31, 2016

The Great Training Robbery

One of the critical foundations of a successful and sustainable company is the ability to generate, nurture and regenerate talent on an ongoing basis. To enable…

Optimize Blog October 17, 2016

Surviving Short Circuits

We have spoken a number of times before about the vast amounts of data and input that modern leaders have to analyze and make judgments on. A number of studies have…

Optimize Blog October 3, 2016

In Sickness and in Health

We often hear and talk about the ‘healthy organization’ and whilst corporate health is talked about quite a lot, a true understanding of the importance of monitoring…

Optimize Blog August 15, 2016

Differing Dimensions

All organizations operate in two dimensions: the dimension of getting the work done (which is the horizontal dimension) and the dimension of reporting relationships…

Optimize Blog July 25, 2016

A Transformation Tale

Transformations call for more than rhetoric and superficial conversations around change. Old and existing habits need to be challenged and potentially discarded…

Optimize Blog July 11, 2016

Meeting Mayhem

With the first day of summer upon us our thoughts naturally turn to BBQ’s, beaches, and vacations. It’s the time of year when we can easily find ourselves daydreaming…

Optimize Blog June 20, 2016

Cracking Complexity

We view complexity in two ways. First there is the institutional complexity – which results from the number and types of interaction within the organization. This…

Optimize Blog June 6, 2016