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The Data Dilemma

The strategic impact on companies of the exponential technological rate of change is both extensive and fundamental. How can you plan properly in an environment…

Mark Crocker February 24, 2020

Fact Versus Fiction

Every decision maker really should rely on facts before making any decisions – particularly material decisions.  This might seem obvious, but fact based approaches…

Mark Crocker February 3, 2020

Service Means Service

Good customer service is a valuable asset, especially in today’s high-tech-oriented, increasingly impersonal business world. Therefore, if you are aware of…

Mark Crocker January 14, 2020

Service Intelligence

Providing outstanding customer service is one of the most rewarding yet challenging activities within any organization. Exceptional organizations that provide outstanding…

Mark Crocker May 27, 2019

Pause Before You Pounce

We all face multiple challenges in our work and leadership roles – impossible deadlines, missed budgets, angry customers, politically driven colleagues, remotely…

Mark Crocker March 18, 2019

Alone Again

This time fifty years ago man set foot on the moon and currently China is on the dark side of the moon with an unmanned vehicle. This reminded us of Al Worden, perhaps…

Optimize Blog January 21, 2019

Insanity Check

In our daily interactions with clients, we encounter many different leaders in all disciplines and generally these individuals are very determined people. They are…

Optimize Blog May 22, 2018

Looking the Part

A question we get asked a lot is if leaders are born or made. Apparently this is a discussion that has been undertaken since the time of Plato so clearly there is…

Optimize Blog October 30, 2017

Did You Know.....?

Intellect Technology is a fascinating subject which has still to mature. The term in this sense relates to a progression from Information Technology. If Information…

Optimize Blog May 15, 2017

History Lessons?

We've often said in this blog that 'change is the new normal', so we thought this brief list might be of interest: A volatile financial and economic crisis. …

Optimize Blog November 16, 2011

Keeping Track

From all tragedies we can learn many things. But, nonetheless, it's still a shame that it sometimes takes a tragedy to re-focus a business on what is important.…

Optimize Blog November 4, 2011

Recruitment not working?

This week’s guest blogger is leading human capital strategist, Mike Palmer: Recent research indicates that even the very best employment advertising is viewed…

Optimize Blog September 22, 2011


A couple of weeks after the news that Blockbuster Canada's remaining stores are set to close, the media story is moving on to the inevitable loss of jobs and the…

Optimize Blog September 16, 2011

The Past has Passed

...having given this ongoing debate some thought, we got to thinking about how much time is spent looking to the past in business and wondering if our allocation…

Optimize Blog August 11, 2011

Navigating Choppy Waters

Here at Zeitgeist we’re big fans of the ‘great outdoors’ and particularly appreciate the beautiful and rugged scenery in Canada. One of the best…

Optimize Blog August 4, 2011

China Crisis

In both one to one leadership coaching and the group courses that we run, a common source of angst shared by the more ‘mature’ managers is the alarming sense…

Optimize Blog July 21, 2011

Warning Signs

The 'Holy Island' of Lindisfarne, is located just off the coast of Northumberland in England. The hugely popular tourist destination attracts thousands of visitors…

Optimize Blog June 22, 2011

I Go or MeeGo

So Nokia loses another technology chief – their fourth in five years. Nokia says that he left for personal reasons but the Finnish press are saying that he left…

Optimize Blog June 9, 2011

Possibly Impossible

Quality assurance in examination papers probably doesn’t get a lot of thought in general, after all how hard can it be to set questions based on a given curriculum…

Optimize Blog June 2, 2011

Melon Mayhem

An intriguing story from China hit the news this week as a result of acres of watermelons exploding one by one! Interestingly China has long approved the usage of…

Optimize Blog May 19, 2011