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Fact Versus Fiction

Every decision maker really should rely on facts before making any decisions – particularly material decisions.  This might seem obvious, but fact based approaches…

Mark Crocker February 3, 2020

Engaging Conversations

Organizations care about employee engagement because the facts would suggest that it directly impacts their bottom line. Don’t believe us? Well recent and consistent…

Mark Crocker May 6, 2019

Hearing Loss

Proportion and context is something we need to consider often as consultants. The ability to maintain a sense of context is key as we work with clients to develop…

Mark Crocker January 30, 2019

Looking the Part

A question we get asked a lot is if leaders are born or made. Apparently this is a discussion that has been undertaken since the time of Plato so clearly there is…

Optimize Blog October 30, 2017

The Coefficient of Restitution

The Coefficient of Restitution (COR) is a measure of the “restitution” of a collision between two objects: how much of the kinetic energy remains for…

Optimize Blog May 8, 2017

I think we're alone now

‘I think we’re alone now’ was the title of the song by Tiffany that reached number 1 in many countries back in 1987. It was originally written for, and released…

Optimize Blog May 1, 2017

Do the Do

McKinsey research tells us that 70% of change efforts fall short of the desired results and it is far too easy to blame this on a lack of effective communication.  Some…

Optimize Blog January 9, 2017

Winning Ways

Today, organizations of all kinds are re-evaluating their strategies as they face unprecedented levels of change in their industries and the world. While the strategic…

Optimize Blog August 8, 2016

Hear, Hear!

There’s an old saying that with two ears and one mouth, we should be doing twice the amount of listening as we do talking and here at Zeitgeist we subscribe to…

Optimize Blog March 28, 2016

All in Good Time

We often hear that a client is ‘looking to change the culture’ of their organization. Companies need a good definition of corporate culture before they can begin…

Optimize Blog March 7, 2016

Embracing the Imposter

Often we come across leaders and professionals who suffer from feelings of fraudulence or inadequacy at work – the condition known as ‘Imposter Syndrome’.…

Optimize Blog August 5, 2015

Silo Sadness

Believe it or not, the use of the word “team” is a huge turnoff for many workers. For too many employees, the phrase “I want you to be on my team” is just…

Optimize Blog July 17, 2015

Is the Patient Sick?

In trying to understand how companies can produce sustainable high performance we can use the metaphor of human health which improves when cared for but deteriorates…

Optimize Blog December 4, 2014

The Complexity Equation

Charles Dickens in the 1830’s wrote that he lived in an age of “unrelenting change and unpredictability” so I wonder what he would make of 2014 where change…

Optimize Blog January 20, 2014

The Need to be Me

Few things can discredit a leader faster than being perceived as phony. Sometimes, leaders will say what they don’t believe, sugarcoating the truth so people hear…

Optimize Blog January 3, 2014

Kung Fu for Business

Recently here at Zeitgeist we were thinking about philosophy and the links to leadership and organizational culture – don’t ask why we were thinking philosophy,…

Optimize Blog October 15, 2013

Apple Turnover

We were inspired by a story coming out of Alaska to write a blog about the importance of changing course when it becomes obvious that the route you have set yourself…

Optimize Blog September 26, 2013

Flight of the Bumblebee

From the title you might assume that here at Zeitgeist we have become fascinated with orchestral interludes and specifically the one written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov…

Optimize Blog September 19, 2013

Tired of Change

Leo Tolstoy is quoted as stating “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” The world around us is awash with ‘movements…

Optimize Blog September 9, 2013

Cultivating Culture

Cultures exist wherever there is a collection of people, however big or small that group is. The group could be as large as a nation or as small as a student study…

Optimize Blog August 29, 2013