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Alone Again

Astronaut Al Worden was once proclaimed the “most isolated human being”. Let us explain. Al Worden was one of seven men that undertook the role of Apollo command…

Optimize Blog August 14, 2017

Learning To Smile As You Kill

Politics in business is an inevitability and so to solemnly declare that you are not going to play the game is rather naive. Simply put, others are playing the game…

Optimize Blog October 31, 2016

The Customer Management Myth

Our view on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is unambiguous. For us it is all about getting the right product, to the right customer, at the right time, via…

Optimize Blog August 29, 2016

The Trouble with Talent

Increasingly companies are viewing the ability to manage talent as a strategic priority or at least that’s what they tell us. However, a lack of time and attention,…

Optimize Blog August 7, 2014

Coping with Complexity

The general view on complexity is that it is a bad thing and that simplification will bring value by removing unnecessary costs. Here at Zeitgeist we are Lean Practitioners…

Optimize Blog May 12, 2014