A Little Toe Much
A pub in Derbyshire has hosted the latest “World Toe Wrestling Championship” which has now been going on for more than 40 years. Open to male and female…
Plus Ca Change
Plus ca change is the term often used to express the resigned acknowledgement of the fundamental immutability of human nature – “the more things change, the…
Same Old, Same Old…
We often hear the term ‘innovation’ being used in organizations and generally used appropriately as people recognize that within business, innovation is key.…
Knowing Your Place
When considering strategy a great number of businesses misread the environment and overestimate their skill and control of what is going on around them. Sometimes…
No news is not good news
We read today that The Times Online plans to charge for access to its site – circa $1.60 per day or $3.20 per week – in an attempt to create a viable revenue…