Possibly Impossible
Quality assurance in examination papers probably doesn’t get a lot of thought in general, after all how hard can it be to set questions based on a given curriculum…
Keeping it Real
The future for all you frustrated rock gods out there is looking promising. Until now the road to becoming a rock legend has been a long and arduous one - the prospect…
The Adjustment Bureau
"... if you have done a thorough and rigorous job determining your strategy and have been diligent in developing an execution plan for that strategy then the art…
Life on Mars
In a recent general communication, Council staff in Carlisle (a town in the North of England) were instructed to clock-out if they want to talk about the weather,…
Cry Wolf
Sometimes when we partner with clients there are employees who really consider the changes they are being asked to navigate as being on a par with giving up all…
Born not Made?
Whilst we are sure many of you have already determined to hit the gym more frequently in 2011 as part of your New Year’s resolutions, perhaps you hadn’t considered…
Giving a Fig about Pudding
In 1644 the British Parliament, in a demonstration of austerity far more severe than anything suggested by the current batch of economists, decreed that Christmas…
Generation R
“First there was Generation X and Y, now there is Generation R,” Gill Plimmer wrote in The Financial Times: “a term coined to describe frustrated professionals…
Improbable Awards
The Ig Nobel awards are now in their 21st year and here at Zeitgeist we look forward to this whacky awards ceremony every year. The awards are the result of the…
Paying the Piper
As countries drag themselves out of the recession, the spectrum of accusations and recriminations becomes ever more broad and colorful. Criticism of the level and…
Moore no More?
Now, although this is somewhat embarrassing to admit - we find supercomputers rather fascinating and the developments in computing power never cease to amaze us.…
GM Humming a different tune
From a corporate strategy standpoint it is actually good to see GM taking the tough decisions. With Hummer, as they did with Saab, GM has explored options, come…
Do fat smokers make poor consultants?
The latest megabucks lawsuit against the tobacco giant Phillip Morris ($300m which they are going to challenge) reminded me about a guy who was a candidate on one…
Take a bite of the Apple
So, the new iPod Nano takes video – clearly it is only a matter of time before it wakes you, dresses you, makes you a cup of tea, gets you to the office and manages…
Is he or isn't she?
The controversy over Caster Semenya’s gender still rumbles on despite her hero’s reception on her return to South Africa. Now, whilst tests show that she possesses…
Bad day?
Bad day? Bad is a relative term… So, I’m partial to watching a bit of TV now and then – just to unwind, you understand. In particular, I’ve watched and…
Welcome to “Zeitgeist – the random musings of a management consultant”. We hope you enjoy our blog – please feel free to post comments, correct…
Do you have a halo, or have you got the horn?
So the last of the Camelot Kennedy clan has come to an end with the loss on Tuesday of Teddy. Wow, despite all of the legislation he has had a hand in what are…