Fact Versus Fiction
Every decision maker really should rely on facts before making any decisions – particularly material decisions. This might seem obvious, but fact based approaches…
Did You Know.....?
Intellect Technology is a fascinating subject which has still to mature. The term in this sense relates to a progression from Information Technology. If Information…
Decisions, Decisions....
Few corporate strategists making important decisions consciously take into account the cognitive biases that exists i.e. the systematic tendencies to deviate from…
Surviving Short Circuits
We have spoken a number of times before about the vast amounts of data and input that modern leaders have to analyze and make judgments on. A number of studies have…
Time Lapse
In our experience too many leadership teams squander the most precious resource that they have – time. Although time is the scarcest resource in any company (not…
Vive la Revolution
More and more companies are recognizing the need for radical transformation rather than incremental change, whether this is due to market conditions, increased competition…
I'm Only Human
Significant strategic decisions are never simple to make and at the end of the day, these tend to be hard to reverse decisions and so the impact of getting them…
Possibly Impossible
Quality assurance in examination papers probably doesn’t get a lot of thought in general, after all how hard can it be to set questions based on a given curriculum…