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Risk Versus Reward

Trying to avoid all risk in business is the same as trying to avoid all opportunity. Simply reacting to risk, meanwhile, is just crisis management: shutting the…

Mark Crocker March 11, 2020

Warning Signs

The Holy Island, also known as Lindisfarne, is off the coast of Northumberland in England and it is a popular tourist destination attracting thousands of visitors…

Optimize Blog April 24, 2017

Standards but not Standard

Governance is a much misunderstood discipline at the leadership level from the perspective that the scope of the term is often limited. Governance is not just about…

Optimize Blog November 12, 2014

Playing Chicken

Regardless of why a chicken would cross a road, they can now do so a little more safely thanks to a new range of high-visibility chicken vests available from Omlet,…

Optimize Blog November 7, 2013