A Year in Review
As we march headlong into the final month of the year many minds turn to the dreaded annual performance review. The truth be told that here at Optimize we are not…
The Future is Bright
As the dreaded annual performance reviews and goal setting process comes around once again, we thought it might be pertinent to share a few words on creating a process…
Same Old, Same Old…
We often hear the term ‘innovation’ being used in organizations and generally used appropriately as people recognize that within business, innovation is key.…
Busy Fools?
We are always told that the world is a much busier place these days and we certainly encounter people every day that tell us that they are “really, really busy”.…
Upside Down, Right Side Up
As we charge toward the final quarter of the year thoughts will soon inevitably turn toward the dreaded annual appraisals – the performance review. We don’t…
Vive la Revolution
More and more companies are recognizing the need for radical transformation rather than incremental change, whether this is due to market conditions, increased competition…
A Year in Review
As we march headlong into the final month of the year many minds turn to the dreaded annual performance review. The truth be told that here at Zeitgeist we are not…