Insanity Check
In our daily interactions with clients, we encounter many different leaders in all disciplines and generally these individuals are very determined people. They are…
Kung Fu for Business
Recently here at Optimize we were thinking about business philosophy and the links to leadership and organizational culture. I’m not sure too many of us spend…
The Future is Bright
In last week’s blog we bemoaned the lack of wisdom in the world but at Optimize we believe in the credo that we shouldn’t criticize anything unless we are prepared…
Stupid is as Stupid Does
Reading the news or even just looking around us unveils a high degree of a lack in critical thinking – we might even consider that there is a whole lot of stupid…
Smarter not Harder
You’ve probably heard the story or even experienced yourself, the golfer who steps up to the tee box and hits a terrible hook shot straight out of bounds. Frustrated…
Seeing Is Believing
A bionic eye – or – more accurately, a retinal implant has been invented by scientists at Stanford University in California. Implants currently used in patients…