Recruitment not working?
This week’s guest blogger is leading human capital strategist, Mike Palmer: Recent research indicates that even the very best employment advertising is viewed…
3D’s and Wannabee’s
For the launch of the 3DS, the world's first glasses-free 3D hand-held games console, Nintendo pulled out all the stops to make sure that demand was high and lines…
Keeping it Real
The future for all you frustrated rock gods out there is looking promising. Until now the road to becoming a rock legend has been a long and arduous one - the prospect…
Cry Wolf
Sometimes when we partner with clients there are employees who really consider the changes they are being asked to navigate as being on a par with giving up all…
Dazed and Confused
In our line of work we use surveys widely – often 360 degree assessments, general employee engagement surveys or corporate diagnostic surveys which look at the…
Generation R
“First there was Generation X and Y, now there is Generation R,” Gill Plimmer wrote in The Financial Times: “a term coined to describe frustrated professionals…
Improbable Awards
The Ig Nobel awards are now in their 21st year and here at Zeitgeist we look forward to this whacky awards ceremony every year. The awards are the result of the…
Death by Internet
As we see Blockbuster’s strategy so blatantly exposed by this filing, it is a good reminder for other businesses to spend due time and consideration on strategic…
Paying the Piper
As countries drag themselves out of the recession, the spectrum of accusations and recriminations becomes ever more broad and colorful. Criticism of the level and…
Moore no More?
Now, although this is somewhat embarrassing to admit - we find supercomputers rather fascinating and the developments in computing power never cease to amaze us.…
Climate for Change
As we hear again today that police and protestors have clashed at the Copenhagen Summit, it is clear that global warming still arouses passions - although being…
Thinking big?
I think the world needs more Dalton Chiscolm’s. You see, Mr Chiscolm has that rare ability to think big and even though he comes from the USA – a nation of scale…
Feeling Uncomfortable in Skinny Jeans
They may lack the Emo haircut, the skinny jeans, the 'in' brands and labels but your new employees are much like teenagers on their first day of high school.
Oil be the judge of that...
Do you ever get that “What are they thinking?” reaction when you see certain headlines in the news and wonder with incredulity how these people could possibly…
Magna Car Ta
Before anyone gets carried away with all the positive vibes about countries emerging from recession, spare a thought for the 10,500 workers soon to be out of a job…
Bull in a China shop
China’s plans to invest in Alberta’s oil sands has certainly got the chat rooms alive with various theories around the Chinese motives. From my scan of the…