Improbable Awards
The Ig Nobel awards are now in their 34th year and here at Optimize we look forward to this whacky awards ceremony every year. The awards are the result of the science…
Divided We Fall
Celebrating diversity is key to a healthy organization and we don’t just mean in terms of ethnicity, gender etc. We mean celebrating the fact that others have…
New Year, New You?
A famous line from Alice in Wonderland is “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” and here at Optimize we think it’s pretty…
Pudding Politics
As the festive season’s ultimate celebration looms large in the form of the mighty Christmas dinner we would like to provide a few paragraphs to honour the Christmas…
A Year in Review
As we march headlong into the final month of the year many minds turn to the dreaded annual performance review. The truth be told that here at Optimize we are not…
If You Know, You Know
Knowledge is a strategic asset and while it has always been good practice to treat it as such, in more recent times, and going into the future, the need is perhaps…
Now What?
Today, organizations of all kinds are reevaluating their strategies as they face unprecedented levels of change in their industries and the world. While the strategic…
Culture Shift
When thinking about making a shift in culture we need to clearly understand that any cultural transformation takes a long time. How long is long? Well that depends…
The Future is Bright
As the dreaded annual performance reviews and goal setting process comes around once again, we thought it might be pertinent to share a few words on creating a process…
Social Medium
Going three for three we thought we would consider a different bias in this blog building on the past two and this time we are thinking about social bias. Social…
We Before Me
Hard on the heels of our last blog about cognitive bias, we thought we might consider another bias that leaders can fall prey to. Today’s bias for discussion is…
Shake it Up
Few senior leaders when making important strategic decisions consciously consider their cognitive biases. These systematic tendencies to deviate from rational calculations…
Mentorship Musings
Ill-thought out mentorship programs can backfire on the organizations that use them. Instead of motivating employees, a poor mentorship experience can leave them…
Did You Know?
Intellectual Technology is a fascinating subject which continues to mature. The term in this context relates to a progression from Information Technology. If Information…
Busy Fools?
We are always told that the world is a much busier place these days and we certainly encounter people every day that tell us that they are “really, really busy”.…
Same Old, Same Old
We often hear the term ‘innovation’ being used in organizations and generally used appropriately as people recognize that within business, innovation is key.…
Smarter than the Average Bear
In the current climate there appears to be a dearth of critical thinking. Perhaps because Google has made it easy for us to be lazy in our thinking – just type…
Be Yourself
‘Be yourself’ is the defining careers advice of the moment. It’s heard everywhere from business leaders in the boardroom, social media influencers,…
The Coefficient of Restitution
The Coefficient of Restitution (COR) is a measure of the “restitution” of a collision between two objects: how much of the kinetic energy remains for…
Fire When Ready
The real problem with poor performing employees is us. If you want to feel better about yourself we will concede that on rare occasions and for a small percentage…