Busy Fools?
We are always told that the world is a much busier place these days and we certainly encounter people every day that tell us that they are “really, really busy”.…
Same Old, Same Old
We often hear the term ‘innovation’ being used in organizations and generally used appropriately as people recognize that within business, innovation is key.…
Same Old, Same Old…
We often hear the term ‘innovation’ being used in organizations and generally used appropriately as people recognize that within business, innovation is key.…
The Sound of Second Place
Failure is a topic most of us would rather avoid. But ignoring the obvious, and sometimes subtle, warning signs of impending business concern is a surefire way to…
Seven Deadly Sins
Let us state up front that the sins to which we refer are those of performance management – not the originals relating to theology found in literature elsewhere!…
Innovate or Die
Nokia, one of the giants in mobile technology is facing a crisis or, as Stephen Elop the Finnish company’s CEO puts it, “we are standing on a ‘burning platform’…