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Last Minute Larceny

Leaving things to the last minute is a recipe for disaster and on the way causes stress, anxiety and a series of corners that have been cut. Quality suffers and…

Optimize Blog November 13, 2017

The Complexity Conundrum

Charles Dickens in the 1830’s wrote that he lived in an age of “unrelenting change and unpredictability” so we wonder what he would make of our current situation…

Optimize Blog April 17, 2017

Last Minute Larceny

Leaving things to the last minute is a recipe for disaster and on the way causes stress, anxiety and a series of corners that have been cut. Quality suffers and…

Optimize Blog November 2, 2015

Culture of Change

When thinking about making a shift in culture we need to clearly understand that any cultural transformation takes a long time. How long is long? Well that depends…

Optimize Blog September 29, 2014

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

On the tenth anniversary of the launch of Google, the company has been awarded a US patent for the ‘self driving car’. The intellectual property rights relate…

Optimize Blog December 19, 2011

Keeping Track

From all tragedies we can learn many things. But, nonetheless, it's still a shame that it sometimes takes a tragedy to re-focus a business on what is important.…

Optimize Blog November 4, 2011

Recruitment not working?

This week’s guest blogger is leading human capital strategist, Mike Palmer: Recent research indicates that even the very best employment advertising is viewed…

Optimize Blog September 22, 2011


A couple of weeks after the news that Blockbuster Canada's remaining stores are set to close, the media story is moving on to the inevitable loss of jobs and the…

Optimize Blog September 16, 2011

You Know You’ve Boobed When…

Regular readers of Zeitgeist will know that a recurring theme within our blog is the issue of risk management.  Risk management is described as “the identification,…

Optimize Blog August 25, 2011

Perestroika, Pigs and Lipstick

In an interesting interview in The Guardian this week the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev makes some interesting comments about his time in office and more…

Optimize Blog August 17, 2011

The Past has Passed

...having given this ongoing debate some thought, we got to thinking about how much time is spent looking to the past in business and wondering if our allocation…

Optimize Blog August 11, 2011

Navigating Choppy Waters

Here at Zeitgeist we’re big fans of the ‘great outdoors’ and particularly appreciate the beautiful and rugged scenery in Canada. One of the best…

Optimize Blog August 4, 2011

China Crisis

In both one to one leadership coaching and the group courses that we run, a common source of angst shared by the more ‘mature’ managers is the alarming sense…

Optimize Blog July 21, 2011

Melon Mayhem

An intriguing story from China hit the news this week as a result of acres of watermelons exploding one by one! Interestingly China has long approved the usage of…

Optimize Blog May 19, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

"... if you have done a thorough and rigorous job determining your strategy and have been diligent in developing an execution plan for that strategy then the art…

Optimize Blog March 2, 2011

A Bite of the Apple

Apple shareholders this week rejected demands that the company disclose a succession plan for the temporarily absent Steven Jobs who announced in January that he…

Optimize Blog February 24, 2011

Innovate or Die

Nokia, one of the giants in mobile technology is facing a crisis or, as Stephen Elop the Finnish company’s CEO puts it, “we are standing on a ‘burning platform’…

Optimize Blog February 9, 2011

Born not Made?

Whilst we are sure many of you have already determined to hit the gym more frequently in 2011 as part of your New Year’s resolutions, perhaps you hadn’t considered…

Optimize Blog January 4, 2011

Generation R

“First there was Generation X and Y, now there is Generation R,” Gill Plimmer wrote in The Financial Times: “a term coined to describe frustrated professionals…

Optimize Blog October 8, 2010

The Future Starts Here…

Charles F. Kettering once said, “We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there”. As we head into the…

Optimize Blog January 4, 2010