No Place for Pyromaniacs
Putting out fires is very rewarding. It’s gratifying and provides instant validation for our efforts. This is apparently why people seem to like fires in business…
Risk Versus Reward
Trying to avoid all risk in business is the same as trying to avoid all opportunity. Simply reacting to risk, meanwhile, is just crisis management: shutting the…
Warning Signs
The Holy Island, also known as Lindisfarne, is off the coast of Northumberland in England and it is a popular tourist destination attracting thousands of visitors…
The Sound of Second Place
Failure is a topic most of us would rather avoid. But ignoring the obvious, and sometimes subtle, warning signs of impending business concern is a surefire way to…
I'm Only Human
Significant strategic decisions are never simple to make and at the end of the day, these tend to be hard to reverse decisions and so the impact of getting them…
Risky Business
Some people just don’t get a lot of luck. Take for instance the Norwegian driver who, whilst making his way along a country road late one night recently, was confronted…
You Know You’ve Boobed When…
Regular readers of Zeitgeist will know that a recurring theme within our blog is the issue of risk management. Risk management is described as “the identification,…
Risky Games?
John Varley, the man at the top at Barclays, has responded to the calls to limit the size of the banks. Mr Varley points out that it is not the size of the bank…