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Warning Signs

The Holy Island, also known as Lindisfarne, is off the coast of Northumberland in England and it is a popular tourist destination attracting thousands of visitors…

Optimize Blog April 24, 2017

I'm Only Human

Significant strategic decisions are never simple to make and at the end of the day, these tend to be hard to reverse decisions and so the impact of getting them…

Optimize Blog September 21, 2015

Playing Chicken

Regardless of why a chicken would cross a road, they can now do so a little more safely thanks to a new range of high-visibility chicken vests available from Omlet,…

Optimize Blog November 7, 2013

You Know You’ve Boobed When…

Regular readers of Zeitgeist will know that a recurring theme within our blog is the issue of risk management.  Risk management is described as “the identification,…

Optimize Blog August 25, 2011