Behavioural Science?
Conventional wisdom amongst those running organizations would agree that there is value in good service. An abundance of literature exists supporting the notion…
Moments of Truth
Customers have never had higher expectations – or been more empowered than they are today. How you respond to, and take care of, your customers across all of their…
Coping with Complexity
The general view on complexity is that it is a bad thing and that simplification will bring value by removing unnecessary costs. Here at Optimize we are Lean Practitioners…
Serving for the Match
Most people would agree that there is some value in providing good service. An abundance of literature exists that state great customer service makes a company more…
Cracking Complexity
We view complexity in two ways. First there is the institutional complexity – which results from the number and types of interaction within the organization. This…
Falling in Love with Your Customers
Some time ago we wrote a paper entitled “a man who doesn’t smile should not open a shop”. The paper was concerned with the importance of customer service and…
Customer Crazy
We have just read a report [1] that states that 65% of 1,000 consumers surveyed said they’ve cut ties with a brand over a single poor customer service experience.…
Is the Patient Sick?
In trying to understand how companies can produce sustainable high performance we can use the metaphor of human health which improves when cared for but deteriorates…
Blind Faith Hits a Wall
We wrote a paper some time ago based on the old Chinese saying that “A man who doesn’t smile should not open a shop’. For those of you interested you can find…
One and Done
Statistics consistently reinforce that the biggest challenge in today’s customer facing business environments is employee training. The reality is that losing…