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Time Management


Busy Fools?

We are always told that the world is a much busier place these days and we certainly encounter people every day that tell us that they are “really, really busy”.…

Mark Crocker September 11, 2024

Never Too Late

We want to talk about the serial late people in the world – those that keep us waiting. And it is not that we lead ‘busy lives’. That’s a given,…

Mark Crocker March 26, 2019

Last Minute Larceny

Leaving things to the last minute is a recipe for disaster and on the way causes stress, anxiety and a series of corners that have been cut. Quality suffers and…

Optimize Blog November 13, 2017

Never Too Late

Let’s talk about New Year resolutions because we seem to be bombarded at this time of year from all sides – fitness goals, life changing goals, career goals…

Optimize Blog January 2, 2017

Busy Fools?

We are always told that the world is a much busier place these days and we certainly encounter people every day that tell us that they are “really, really busy”.…

Optimize Blog November 28, 2016

Surviving Short Circuits

We have spoken a number of times before about the vast amounts of data and input that modern leaders have to analyze and make judgments on. A number of studies have…

Optimize Blog October 3, 2016

Meeting Mayhem

With the first day of summer upon us our thoughts naturally turn to BBQ’s, beaches, and vacations. It’s the time of year when we can easily find ourselves daydreaming…

Optimize Blog June 20, 2016

The Dog Ate My Homework

A common response to the realization that you occasionally work from home is the question “How do you concentrate?” This is natural, given that many office-bound…

Optimize Blog May 16, 2016

Time Lapse

In our experience too many leadership teams squander the most precious resource that they have – time. Although time is the scarcest resource in any company (not…

Optimize Blog May 2, 2016

Busy? So what?

How many times do people let you know that they are just “really busy?” But what are these people actually working on? Why are they busy and importantly have…

Optimize Blog April 5, 2016

Last Minute Larceny

Leaving things to the last minute is a recipe for disaster and on the way causes stress, anxiety and a series of corners that have been cut. Quality suffers and…

Optimize Blog November 2, 2015

The Dog Ate My Homework

A common response to the realization that you occasionally work from home is the question “How do you concentrate?” This is natural, given that many office-bound…

Optimize Blog August 21, 2013