Plus Ca Change
Plus ca change is the term often used to express the resigned acknowledgement of the fundamental immutability of human nature – “the more things change, the…
Why Your Boss Is Wrong About You
As the performance review season comes to its usually unsatisfactory conclusion for many, we thought we would share our thoughts on why many performance review systems…
Upside Down, Right Side Up
As we charge toward the final quarter of the year thoughts will soon inevitably turn toward the dreaded annual appraisals – the performance review. We don’t…
Caution - Learners Ahead
It’s a fact, and contrary to certain prejudices and misconceptions, employees can learn to behave in new ways. However, people learn only if they are motivated…
A Strange Turn of Events
For 35 years, New Zealand has been the only place on Earth to force vehicles turning left to give way to vehicles turning right. New Zealand traffic drives on…