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Coping with Complexity

The general view on complexity is that it is a bad thing and that simplification will bring value by removing unnecessary costs. Here at Zeitgeist we are Lean Practitioners…

Optimize Blog May 12, 2014

Credible Leadership

Credibility in leadership is important now, more than ever, because there is a good dose of cynicism in the workplace and our people are cynical about us as their…

Optimize Blog May 5, 2014

Failing to Learn

Ever see those new leaders who carry themselves with such bravado? They’re usually the ones who haven’t failed yet. When they inevitably do, it isn’t pretty…

Optimize Blog April 16, 2014

Getting What You Paid For...

For years organizations have spent substantial time and money on improving the capabilities of leaders and on nurturing new leaders. Indeed leadership development…

Optimize Blog April 2, 2014

Growing a Pair

Making smart business decisions and doing the right thing is critical. That’s true not just in terms of strategy but also relationships (whether to fire the toxic…

Optimize Blog March 20, 2014

The times they are a-changing

A common complaint we hear from clients is that of ‘change fatigue’ which appears to be some kind of frustration around the fact that things continually need…

Optimize Blog February 27, 2014

Not Your Cup Of Tea?

As a large part of the world is transfixed by the Winter Olympic Games, as mere mortals we can only guess at the dedication, athleticism, sacrifices and mental fortitude…

Optimize Blog February 20, 2014

Better Late than Never?

Some time ago we wrote a paper entitled “You Say You’re Busy and I Say ‘So what?’” which in a nutshell stated that the world is not about being busy, it’s…

Optimize Blog February 10, 2014

Philosophy of Culture

Individuals have an identity and so do organizations. An organization’s identity is derived from its Purpose (the fundamental reason why the organization exists)…

Optimize Blog February 3, 2014

The Complexity Equation

Charles Dickens in the 1830’s wrote that he lived in an age of “unrelenting change and unpredictability” so I wonder what he would make of 2014 where change…

Optimize Blog January 20, 2014

The Need to be Me

Few things can discredit a leader faster than being perceived as phony. Sometimes, leaders will say what they don’t believe, sugarcoating the truth so people hear…

Optimize Blog January 3, 2014

Giving a Fig about Pudding

As the festive season’s ultimate celebration looms large in the form of the mighty Christmas dinner we would like to provide a few paragraphs to honour the Christmas…

Optimize Blog December 17, 2013

Boxing Clever

Robert Stanzione is the boss of one of the largest companies you have probably never heard of. Mr. Stanzione is the CEO of fast-growing US technology group Arris.…

Optimize Blog November 28, 2013

Playing Chicken

Regardless of why a chicken would cross a road, they can now do so a little more safely thanks to a new range of high-visibility chicken vests available from Omlet,…

Optimize Blog November 7, 2013

Money in your Pocket

Apparently it appears that call centres in Jamaica are stapling workers’ pockets shut to prevent them from stealing clients’ data. Reports suggest managers…

Optimize Blog October 31, 2013

Kung Fu for Business

Recently here at Zeitgeist we were thinking about philosophy and the links to leadership and organizational culture – don’t ask why we were thinking philosophy,…

Optimize Blog October 15, 2013

Apple Turnover

We were inspired by a story coming out of Alaska to write a blog about the importance of changing course when it becomes obvious that the route you have set yourself…

Optimize Blog September 26, 2013

Flight of the Bumblebee

From the title you might assume that here at Zeitgeist we have become fascinated with orchestral interludes and specifically the one written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov…

Optimize Blog September 19, 2013

Tired of Change

Leo Tolstoy is quoted as stating “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” The world around us is awash with ‘movements…

Optimize Blog September 9, 2013

Cultivating Culture

Cultures exist wherever there is a collection of people, however big or small that group is. The group could be as large as a nation or as small as a student study…

Optimize Blog August 29, 2013